The Search for Truth and Our Own Inner Divinity is tightly tied to the practices of Magic.
There are Five Schools of Magic in the classic Kult fluff, and they conform to the "Five Pillars of Divinity" - Death, Passion, Madness, Dreams, and Time and Space.
The Kult: Divinity Lost corebook gives us The Death Magician, to portray members of perhaps the most iconic School of Magic.
However, the release of rules for the other Schools has been postponed to a future supplement, which will deal much more in-depth with all matters of Magic and Enlightenment.
In the meantime though, to tide you over, we have gotten busy over on Kult - Elysium and cooked up homebrew rules for the remaining four types of Magicians. Here they are:
Please note that these are entirely unofficial, and purely fanmade content.
That said, they have been laid out and formatted by Lessavini, who also made the playbooks in my previous post here. More power to him, he's awesome!
I myself wrote the majority of the mechanics for these, and I based them firmly off of the template provided by The Death Magician. However, each of them has gotten an in-depth treatment as to their respective Dark Secrets, Dis/Advantages, Abilities, Looks, Relations, Gear, Fields of Expertise, and other details, so as to make sure they're all uniquely distinct from each other.
At the same time, I kept the Perform a Ritual move intact for all of them, and retained the idea of School-themed artifacts and aural powers in the Talisman and Dark Aura moves.
These rules have not been fully playtested, and thus might be subject to further revision at some point in the ungiven future.
(but, as of Feb 2020, the Magicians of Dreams and of Passion have seen actual play in a campaign - and worked without major hickups, I'm proud to report)
If you use these in a game, or have thoughts upon reading them: Please feel welcome to let me know in the comments! I'm always happy about feedback about them.
You can use them just like regular playbooks - print them, let the players have their choice, create characters with them, and get rolling on that darkly epic Enlightened-level campaign we all know you've been wanting to get into for a while!
What are you waiting for?
The Truth is Dark, and Full of Terrors!
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