Here is a picture that user junneh posted on the Kult - Elysium Discord server.

The question was brought up what the hell might be going on there, so I opened my senses to the Truth beyond the Veil, let my mind drift through the Abyss of Time, and discovered the only logical explanation.
* * *
Many would have thought the baron's bastard daughter utterly mad for her vicious endeavors - but her father sensed there might just be a spark of promise behind her depraved ramblings and murderous desires. Had it not, after all, been his own late mother who had spoken the prophecy in her dying hours? And now his illegitimate offspring reminded him so much of her ever since she had come of age...
"There will be born a babe of man, who shall not break when smitten with hammers and shall not scorch when kissed by flames. This child shall be the second coming of our lord and saviour, and those who find and rear it as their own shall know much blessings, and be gifted with wisdoms beyond the scope of mortal men."
What could it hurt, the baron thought. Children were many in his realm, and more would always yet be born. And if she should, indeed, find the one... So he closed his ears against the tiny screams echoing from her chamber daily, and sent out his knights anew, to fetch more newborns from the lands. She would soon be out of babes again, and could develop an insufferable temper if not allowed to pursue her sacred destiny. Just like mother always had...
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