Let's face it: We've all been musing about Kult in Space at some point or other, haven't we?
Most people immediately associate the idea with space-horror classics such as Hellraiser IV or Event Horizon... but here, Kraetyz shows that a possible take-off point for a Kultish campaign that is revolves around space travel can also be... much closer to home, as it were:
In 2025, NASA finally sends a team to revisit the original 1969 moon landing site. A trail of footsteps is found that goes off into the distance, classic moon leaps due east. In one of the larger craters, the tracks lead them to Neil Armstrong's body. Mummified in his space suit, he looks like he's been dead for 56 years. With the entire event being live sttreamed, there is no chance to conceal the disturbing discovery from the world.
Why is it there? And who or what was it that came back to Earth?
(by Kraetyz)
For more Kraetyan goodness, be sure to check out his blog, Beyond Elysium. It has loads of good stuff, ranging from Actual Play reports, to explorations of the Kult Tarot cards, to mechanical considerations of PbtA and K:DL - truly there is something awesome for every Kultist to discover on there!
Space, the Final Illusion. These are the transgressions of the starship Kraeburney. Its sixty-six-year mission: To explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly see through Veils that no man has seen through before!